Severe weather warning

Warning levels:

Mobirise Website Builder
Alert-Level 1

wind gusts
light snowfall
slight icy conditions
high heat load
increased UV intensity 

Mobirise Website Builder
Alert-Level 2

gusty winds / severe gusty winds
heavy thunderstorm
heavy rain
continuous rain
slippery conditions
severe frost
thaw / melting snow
extreme heat load 

Mobirise Website Builder
Alert-Level 3

hurricane-strength gusts /hurricane-force gusts
severe thunderstorms
heavy downpour
heavy continuous rain
heavy snowfall
heavy snow drift
black ice / icy roads
heavy thaw 

Mobirise Website Builder
Alert-Level 4

extreme hurricane-force gusts extreme thunderstorm
extremely heavy downpour
extremely heavy continuous rain
extremely heavy snowfall
extremely heavy snow drift
extreme black ice 

Severe weather warning settings

For each alert level (1-4), it is possible to individually set whether and in what form a warning should be issued. There are three options to choose from:

There is no warning issued.

A silent warning is issued (without sound/vibration).*

A warning is issued with sound/vibration. *

 * The prerequisite for this is that permission has been granted in the device's operating system for the Better-Weather app to send notifications.

Better Weather 

AI Website Maker